Sunday, March 9, 2014

EDTECH Research

Over the last two weeks I have been working on my research skills.  I received my undergraduate degree 20 years ago and researching tools have changed since I last did any academic research.  Google Scholar was a welcomed addition to my research process.  I enjoyed how I could save items in my library and work from multiple locations.  I also enjoyed the precision of Albertson Library's search capabilities.  I was able to do my research in a timely manner and stay relatively organized as well.

My artifact this week is an annotated bibliography on EDTECH Research.  I researched how social networking affects student's ability to express a point of view.  This is one of many outcomes, social studies students must show proficiency in and I think social networking can reinforce this skill.  The articles I read reinforce this idea and take it even further.  Social networking and teaching social media skills can improve many social studies skills including the learning objective in my research.  Several of the articles also reinforced the idea that it is the educator that dictates the success of using technological tools.  When purposely chosen by an educator, students will see improvement in many areas.  When technology is simply placed in front of students with few guidelines or a lack of instruction, the benefits of the technology are lost.  I plan on suggesting the use of social networking to  my colleagues.  Final exam results show that some students in my school  have difficulty with the subject of my research and I think my department will be receptive to any suggestion that will help student achievement.

You can find my annotated bibliography here:

PlastowB_EDTECH Annotated Bibliography

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