Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Let me begin by introducing myself.  I am from Red Deer, Alberta which is a city of 100 000 people located between Edmonton and Calgary.  According to Google Maps,  it's a 15 hour drive from Red Deer to the Boise State Campus.

I have been teaching for 19 years at middle school and high school where I have taught everything from French to Phys. Ed.  Currently, I am a social studies teacher and curriculum leader at Lindsay Thurber Comprehensive High School here in Red Deer.  I have been very fortunate this year as I am piloting a Chrome Book initiative at our school with our Grade 9 students.  Outside of class I am an assistant coach for our senior football team, the Raiders.

When I am done school, I have a lovely family to come home to.  My wife, Kristine, and I have two daughters aged 9 and 12 who keep us busy with their school activities and their dance classes.   Fortunately, my girls allow me to participate in my favorite pass-time, fly fishing.

Since beginning my career, I have had a keen interest in the use of technology in the classroom.  I am hoping that this program will further my knowledge and capabilities in this area so I can create a more engaging learning environment by sharing what I learn with my students and colleagues.  Therefore, this learning log will serve as a living record of my progress during this program.

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